Frequently Ask Questions


Depending on the type of vehicle, some or all of the following are checked:

  • Brake performance and condition
  • Doors
  • Exhaust condition and performance
  • Fuel system condition
  • Glazing
  • Lighting performance and condition
  • Load anchorage systems
  • Mudguards and mud flaps
  • Occupant protection systems
  • Safety belts
  • Speedometer
  • Steering and suspension
  • Stock crate and crate retention system condition
  • Structural condition
  • Towing connections
  • Wheel and tyre condition
  • Windscreen washers and wipers
  • New vehicles under 3 years do not require inspections.
  • Vehicles 4 years and older need annual fitness inspections.
  • Permission to drive if your vehicle has expired
  • Valid Third Party
  • Inspection Fees $27.50
  • Light vehicles – approx. 30 mins – 1 hour.
  • Heavy vehicles – approx. 1 – 2 hours.

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